Acupuncture in Horsforth, Leeds
We use acupuncture because of its proven effects on the control of painful conditions and because it is effective in the treatment of many conditions. Acupuncture used by itself or in combination with osteopathy can be very helpful.
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture is a complete system of diagnosis and treatment originating in China over 2,500 years ago. It uses the ideas of Taoist philosophy where opposites are in balance. Where balance fails there is disharmony. In Chinese medicine balance is restored when there is harmony between Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang represent the interdependence between opposite things. Traditionally all the functions of a healthy body were seen to be governed by the flow of energy (Chi or Qi). Where this flow was disrupted disharmony or disease will ensue. Through acupuncture, the normal flow of energy can be restored.
From the western point of view it is apparent that acupuncture works, there is a wealth of good scientific evidence to demonstrate this. Western or medical acupuncture is an adaptation of Traditional Chinese acupuncture using current knowledge of anatomy physiology and pathology. Interestingly the acupuncture points in western and Chinese approaches are the same. The intellectual approach may be different but the practical application of treatment is often indistinguishable. All practitioners are registered with the British Medical Acupuncture Society (BMAS).