Podiatry in Horsforth, Leeds

If you have a problem with your feet the most appropriate person to see is a podiatrist (formerly chiropodist).

Podiatrists are healthcare practitioners who diagnose and treat conditions of the foot and lower limb. They work as part of an overall healthcare team and therefore may consult (and accept referrals from) other practitioners when managing foot or lower limb problems.
Appropriate diagnosis and treatment can help to ensure your feet do not develop any serious problems.

On your first visit we will require information on your medical history. This information is needed for your future treatment and is entirely confidential.

At Davies and Coffey in Horsforth, Leeds, our podiatrist, Mark Sherwin-Ward BSc (Hons) is a Health Professions registered practitioner. He graduated from Huddersfield University in 1996. Before beginning in private practice he worked for several years within the NHS. He specialises in all foot and lower limb related musculoskeletal problems.

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